Alright, I must apologize to my dear friends of my Bake 52 group. I am behind with this post and I do apologize. We are right in the middle of getting ready to move and between a 2 year-old, a 1 year-old and trying to get things done, life has been hectic. So, the next few weeks might be a little belated but I must say that I will make time to post (even if I'm 4 days late) haha....

I can't believe we are already into week 6. I'm shocked actually. It seems like just yesterday we started baking. This week was hosted by my friend Jennifer over at Zolly Zoo. You can find the link to her baking blog by clicking on this link. Or you can connect to it under my list of friends.

Bread for me is sometimes hard to make. I have mastered my mom's rolls and I can tell you they are delightful! I however, have not mastered the technique  of making bread or regular rolls non-cement like. For some reason when I follow a normal bread recipe they turn out a little dense and I hate that. One of these days (when I actually have a standing mixer) I will be able to make delicious melt-in-your-mouth bread. I am just going to try something I normally do and not always follow the exact recipe.

This bread was good and I liked it, but after a day or two, I could have used it to hammer in a few things. My husband picked up the loaf after we got home from being out of town and said, "wow this is hard as a rock". Needless to say it got thrown aways. I liked making the bread but next time I might try something different. I did however, enjoy the braiding of the bread :D

Here are a few pics...

2/13/2012 06:59:16 am

Yeah, it didn't seem like the type of bread that keeps well. Glad you got to make it and you guys liked it.

2/16/2012 06:46:50 am

Looks great. Glad you got to make it. Good luck with the move.


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